How to cancel or amend my Coaching Plan?

3 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

If you are uncertain about closing your account, please read the following notes first.

You can end your Coaching Plan or cancel your free pass to ensure it doesn't convert to a full Coaching Plan membership.

A few notes

  • Only account holders can close a Coaching Plan. If you are not the account holder, reach out to the account holder for assistance.
  • You can cancel your account anytime during your free pass period without notice.
  • After collecting your initial payment, there is a four-week notice to cancel a Coaching Plan.
  • You must complete a cancellation form to cancel or downgrade your account. We cannot accept other forms of communication to cancel a Coaching Plan.  
  • Did you know you can request a one-month payment freeze? We are able to freeze your account once per year - perfect for those long holidays! If you'd prefer to freeze your account, please reach out to our team using our contact page.
  • For easy access, here is our Coaching Plan: Terms & Conditions.

How to cancel your Coaching Plan

To close your Coaching Plan, cancel a free pass, or remove a player or session from your account, you will need to complete the following online form:  

Complete a Coaching Plan Cancellation Form

Once you have submitted a cancellation form, a member of our team will be in touch within three working days to confirm your request. We may contact you via email or telephone if we have any questions. 

Can I request a refund?

We are unable to offer Coaching Plan refunds. Once a cancellation request is received, there is a four-week cancellation notice. We will prorate your final payment if you cancel part-way through a month. 

What happens to my data if I cancel?

Our policy is to keep all data by default available if you would like to rejoin later for up to seven years. However, we cannot guarantee that we will continue this practice indefinitely, and we reserve the right to delete data from an inactive account at any time. 

If you would like to request the deletion of your account data, please reach out to our team using our contact page

For more information on how we use and store data, view our Privacy Policy.

How can I unsubscribe from emails?

If an email happens to sneak through, please click the "Unsubscribe" button at the bottom of that email. This should prevent you from receiving any future emails from us. 


We're sorry to hear that you want to leave us, and we'd love to know if there's anything we can do to continue supporting your tennis! Please contact our team if you have further questions about cancellation or feedback you'd like to share. We're available anytime and happy to help.

We hope you will check us out again in the future! 😊

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